1 min read

What's Driving the Economy?

It’s easy to point to financial services, mining & resources, tourism and manufacturing when considering the significant drivers of your economy.

How do we, humans, fit into these economic engines?

The Dynamics are Shifting

As we shift from an industrial economy to an information economy or connection economy, relationships, trust, and personal connections are becoming increasingly valuable.

We are operating in a world vastly different from the industrial economy.

Embedded within this modern economy is the connection to a more profound sense of community, purpose and meaning over mass production, competition and consumption.

This way of operating offers a fresh perspective on leveraging trust, value alignment, reciprocity and generosity to solve interesting problems.

New Drivers for a New Economy

The drivers of the connection economy are collaboration, generosity, cooperation, communication and sharing.

This is vastly different from the aggressive dog-eat-dog approach used in the past.

Moreover, the owner-worker model of the industrial economy is shifting to a more distributed and collaborative owner-owner model.

To thrive in the connection economy, you must learn to view the world as an unlimited marketplace.

It’s not me against you.

It’s us working together, solving interesting problems.