1 min read

Interpreting Abundance vs Scarcity

The story we tell ourselves is the story we tell ourselves.

A scarcity mindset interprets the world as a zero-sum game; if someone is to succeed it must be at the expense of everyone else. Resources are limited and cannot be replenished once depleted. This interpretation makes us competitive, driving us into survival mode and operating from a place of fear. A scarce interpretation of the world around you leads to you focusing on what's missing, the hoarding of ideas in fear of them being stolen, high levels of stress and anxiety and great resistance to change.  

When you filter out the noise and are able to see things how they are, you will realise that in fact there is enough to go around, resources are replenishable and the success of those around us creates more opportunities for everyone. Ideas can be confidently shared with the people around you as there is great confidence in believing that we are in this together and that all of us are smarter than one of us.

This is a growth mindset, an abundance mindset, a worldview that provides clarity and vision to help you create meaningful change in the world whilst bringing others along on the journey.

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